Henrique K. Miyamoto

Ph.D. student

Extracurricular activities

Academic centre

I was part of CABS (Bernardo Sayão Academic Centre), the student entity for Electrical Engineering students with Unicamp, during the period 2017—2018. My main activity there was editing the journal Ponto de Vista.


GER Unicamp

During 2015—2018, I was member of GER Unicamp (Group of Studies in Robotics). I joined the VSSS Project for the IEEE Very Small Size Soccer category. I have been financial coordinator and VSSS project coordinator (2016), general-coordinator (2017) and communication coordinator (2018).


CIC Robotics

During secondary education (2012—2014), I was part of CIC Robotics (Scientific Investigation Club), in Salvador, Brazil. I joined the Soccer Project for RoboCup Junior Soccer competitions and the Digital Mosaic project, for which I received a CNPq junior scientific initiation scholarship in 2013.


Scientific olympiads

Reading & writing
